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What do I have to offer this world?

Vicky Hope

What do I have to offer this world?

What do I have to offer this world?
How can I serve?
What makes me unique in the eyes of the lord?
My pain.
My pain.

Where can I share this my lord?
Who will listen?
Who will see the truth I bear?

For we walk with our eyes shut.
We talk with closed ears.
We hum to block out the bit of us that’s calling.

My pain longs to be heard.
It burns brightly inside.
Like fire.
It ignites me to live.
To life fully and fully present.
To not ignore.
To not walk past.
To not wait for another day.
To see others pain.
To watch the leaves blow.
To listen to the wind.
To be here.
To be here.

That my lord, is how I will serve.

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