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MAKING PIES - 6 workshops

A series of six workshops to bring out your inner, often hidden, poet

Free to particpants

MAKING PIES - 6 workshops

This workshop is free to groups throughout Glasgow. Either organise your own group of 6 people, or work with your local library, community group, or writers' group to invite us.

Each workshop begins with sharing your own work. The aim of the series of six sessions is to equip poets with tools, develop their confidence to tinker with their work, and to try out new things in an encouraging environment. There is the option of hosting a local poetry event at the end of the series if circumstances permit.

Sessions are for up to 2 hours with 6 participants, and can be monthly, weekly, over consecutive days, or throughout a single weekend, subject to leader availability.

Groups meet online via Zoom, or face-to-face, subject to prevailing Covid restrictions, and general preference of participants. Groups wishing to meet face-to-face will need to provide the venue and comply with venue requirements.

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